At Glory Land Baptist Church, our mission, purpose, and vision is clear. It determines why we do what we do and the way we do it.

Simply put...
Our mission is to glorify God by making disciples for Jesus Christ in Hartsville, South Carolina and around the world.
Our vision is to create a church that is defined by...
God-focused Worship. We believe that worship is all about reflecting God's glory back to Him and is ultimately governed by God's self-revelation in Scripture.
Gospel-centered Fellowship. At Glory Land, our vision is to see believers connecting with each other in spiritually meaningful ways as they point each other to Jesus Christ. Our passion is to be a church that is defined by discipleship.
Bible-Saturated Teaching. Since God's Word is absolutely true, our desire is to make God's Word central in all that we do. We are committed to expository preaching, meaning that we let the Bible drive the sermon and speak directly into our lives.
Community-Oriented Evangelism. The Great Commission commands us to make disciples of the nations (Matthew 28:18-20). It goes beyond just making converts, but making disciple-making disciples of Jesus. Our vision is to be a church that is passionately reaching our neighbors, co-workers, and friends with the life-changing message of the Gospel.